Magzter is the world’s largest digital Print media network where you can read Magazines and Newspapers, and the free Magzter gold premium subscription is free for one month. You can find many free Magzter subscriptions on various payment apps like FreeCharge coupons, PhonePe, and PayTm vouchers.
These Magzter coupon codes not only save your bucks on buying Magazines and daily Newspapers, but also you can get ree Magzter gold premium subscription either for monthly or in the yearly plan. You can ready Indian Magazines online free of cost with the below coupon codes and offers.
How Do I Get Free Magzter Gold Premium Subscription?
In this offer, Magzter is offering free gold membership. However, you have to pay Rs1. It would be best if you bought the gold plan at Rs1 for a month.
- Visit Magzter Offer Page
- Click on Redeem, and the coupon code is already applied. If not applied, copy the coupon code – TITAN1MFREE
- They will charge 1rs for a month. Make sure to cancel the subscription otherwise, and they will charge Rs399 at the time of renewal.
Please don’t panic, and I will add free vouchers later, will keep updating this post in the future for more Magzter offers.